Headteacher: Mr D Watson

Our named contact is: Mrs T. Coward, Administrative Support Assistant (Reception)

General Enquiries

If you have a general enquiry about school, or are a parent/carer who requires a paper copy of any of the information on our website,  then contact us via email or phone:

Email: woodhey@woodhey.set.org

Tel: 01706 82 5215 (option 6)

Reporting Student Absence and Sickness

If you need to report an absence or sickness then contact us via email or phone:

Email: pastoral@woodhey.set.org

Tel: 01706 82 5215 (option 1)


Should you have a query about the SEND provision then please email or phone:

SENDCo: Mrs C. Fleming

Email: sendco@woodhey.set.org

Tel: 01706 82 5215 (option 5)


Should you have an enquiry about the careers guidance then please email or phone:

Contact: Mrs C. Lomax

Email: careers@woodhey.set.org

Tel: 01706 82 8215 (option 6)

Chair of Governors

Contact: Mrs Gillian Hoyle


Woodhey High School
Bolton Road West


Email: academycouncil@woodhey.set.org

Phone: 01706 82 5215 (option 6)

Shaw Education Trust

Shaw Education Trust Head Office,
Kidsgrove Secondary School,
Gloucester Road, 

Telephone: 01782 948259

Email: Contact Us

Website: Shaw Education Trust

School Lettings

School lettings are managed by Schools Plus.

Their contact details are:

Email: enquiries@schoolsplus.co.uk

Tel: 0345 222 2323

Website: Schools Plus