Our priority is always to balance the safety of staff and students, against keeping the school open. Closing the school will only ever be a last resort, when we believe that to stay open would present a risk to the safety of staff and students.


In the event of the weather conditions deteriorating, we will update our school website with information about whether the school will remain open, or whether it will close. This will typically be before 7am. At the same time, an email alert will be sent to all parents and carers.


In the event of snow and ice being on the ground, we would like to keep traffic on site to a minimum for the safety of students and staff. Where possible, we would ask that parents and carers avoid driving onto site in these conditions.


If there is snow on the ground, please ensure that your child travels to school in the appropriate footwear to keep themselves safe. We will provide space for students to change into school shoes when they arrive at school.


We have plans in place to ensure that our grounds are regularly gritted during the winter months and also have a snow clearing plan in place to support ensuring that school can remain open wherever possible.