I was diagnosed with Turner Syndrome in April 2020. A genetic disorder that affects only girls. Since my diagnosis I have been fundraising and raising awareness of my condition. In 2021 I ran 103k in April raising over £7,100 and in June 2022 I walked up Snowdon raising over £4,000. I also spoke at 2 events about my condition with my Dad in 2022. This past year has been difficult with another rare diagnosis, where I was told I had the eye condition uveitis. I have had 2 surgeries and until recently I haven’t been able to do any physical activity for 5 months. I decided to set challenges for my Dad, his work colleagues and friends to do challenges I set and named the Fundraiser “Lily’s Let’s Go Team Challenge” raising money for Turner Syndrome and Manchester Eye Hospital Charity. These challenges included running, planks, wall sits, dice challenges, swimming and Joe wicks workouts. I have raised over £3,000 so far. In September I attended my first Turner Syndrome Society Conference in Stone. At the conference I was awarded two awards. An Ambassador award and a Masters award for going above and beyond with my awareness raising and fundraising over the past 3 years. The money I have raised goes so far to support research, girls and their families. I am proud to be flying the flag for my charities and my conditions won’t define me. If you put your mind to it, you can achieve anything.