In April 2023, the school introduced 1:1 iPads for all students to support the excellent delivery of the curriculum and to support students being able to learn and revise at home. At the launch, colleagues across the school immediately started working towards the Friendly WiFi accreditation. The accreditation demonstrates that the school takes highly effective steps to keep students safe online through the filtering and monitoring processes for online working for students and staff across the school.
Mrs Lomax, Assistant Headteacher for Behaviour, Attendance and Safeguarding, and the school's designated Safeguarding Lead said:
"With the increasing levels of worrying online behaviours across the country, the protection of our students both physically, emotionally and online is our absolute priority, and we are very proud that the steps we take to keep students safe online have been recognised by such a prestigious accolade. It is testament to the team of staff that we have at school and their commitment and dedication to keeping our students safe."