Thursday 22nd August saw the Class of 2024 collect their GCSE examination results after five years of hard work. 

The results are testament to the hard work and dedication of our students, not just in Key Stage 4, but throughout their time at Woodhey, part of the Shaw Education Trust. Their excellent attendance, and engagement in and commitment to their learning has really shone through, and we are exceptionally proud of each and every student and their results. 

As a year group, the students have achieved very well, again, achieving attainment outcomes for the school that are significantly above national averages and will allow students to progress onto excellent post-16 destinations. 

As well as overall year group successes, there have been some notable individual successes. For example, Isobel achieved an amazing 5x Grade 9s, 2x Grade 8s and 2x Grade 7s. Similarly, Polly achieved a fantastic 5x Grade 9s, 3x Grade 8s and 1x Grade 6, and James, a superb 4x Grade 9s, 3x Grade 8s and 2x Grade 7s. Not only were there too many excellent individual outcomes to name everyone, there were a number of students who worked exceptionally hard to overcome adversity and achieve very well. Isabelle achieved an impressive 2x Grade 9s, 4x Grade 8s and 3x Grade 7s, whilst Jessica demonstrated unbelievably commendable resilience to achieve 4x Grade 6s, 4x Grade 5s and 1x Grade 4. 

Mr Watson, Headteacher, said: ‘Each student’s grades is an individual story of resilience, hard work and a desire to be the best that they can be. The Class of 2024 have blown us away throughout their studies in Key Stage 4 with their maturity and how they have tackled every challenge that has been thrown their way. This is reflected in another set of excellent individual and school results and we are exceptionally proud of each and every one of them. On behalf of the school, I would like to wish the Class of 2024 the very best of luck for the future.’