At the start of term, Year 8s experienced their second residential at #TeamWoodhey when they spent three days at Kibblestone International Camp. 

The experience was designed to strengthen their teamwork skills and further build confidence and resilience through a range of activities, designed to take students outside of their comfort zone. They completed abseiling, climbing Jacob's ladder, crate challenges and fire starting to cook their own food. Despite the heavy rain, students tackled the challenges with enthusiasm, enjoying working with each other and sharing many laughs along the way. The way students tackled challenges made staff proud, although the singing at the disco on the final night left a lot to be desired! 

Read below some quotes from some of our students about their experiences: 

'The trip was great. I enjoyed the disco and all the activities were really fun. The tents were nice and secure most of the time (even though they got a little bit wet when it rained, they were still comfy!). My favourite activity was crate stacking, because I got to venture to new heights!' Rohan 

'I found the residential very fun. We all built new friendships. We really enjoyed the activities, the late night games and the football. We took part in abseiling and rock climbing and we loved manhunt. Sharing tents with our friends and getting to work as a team to solve problems was fun too. The food was decent and even though it was really muddy and cold and I lost my voice overall it was definitely one of the best residentials I have been on.' Etta
'I enjoyed the trip overall. My favourite bit was the orienteering because we got to explore around and there was loads of cool stuff. We got to work with friends to find our way new places and we even saw some cool bugs and insects. There was a spider on my nose and then a beetle, too.' Carter
'I think that the residential was very good. We enjoyed all of the activities and the staff were all amazing. On the last night, we had a good late-night party with everyone. Even though it was very muddy and wet it was a very good experience.' Martha