As part of their induction into #TeamWoodhey, Year 7 students attending the Barnswood Scout Camp and braved the elements for three days and two nights in conjunction with the Wilderness Academy.
The residential is part of the induction into life at school, and aims to develop teamwork, resilience and be an opportunity to make new friends. We arrived on the Wednesday and immediately began to work together to pitch the tents. Students slept in large bell tents and despite the cold and rainy weather (plus a few bug visitors!) enjoyed that experience which was for some, their first time camping. When tents were up, it was time to start the activities. Throughout the three days, students built dens, played field games, took part in archery and axe-throwing and engaged in some woodland mindfulness. In the evening, students took part in scavenger hunts and man hunts around the site, and finished the residential with a sing-song around the camp fire. By Friday it was time to pack up, and fit in an orienteering exercise before the coaches picked us up and took us home. We arrived back in school very tired, but with lots of great memories!

Here are some of the highlights of the residential from some of our Year 7s who attended the trip:

Sophie said that she has 'made so many new friends and despite the weather, I had a great time!'

Hannah loved the tug-of-war competition, 'especially when Mr. Downing joined in and helped us win!'

Ethan thought that 'it was great to be near the woods' because 'we could play in there after we had built our dens'

Orla's favourite part was the den-building because 'we made a secret den that no-one knew where it was!'

Jimmy said that he enjoyed sharing a tent with friends because it was 'cool to all be together'

We would like to thank all the staff at the Wilderness Academy for their care and support throughout the residential and the children for how they took part, joined in and challenged themselves with everything (including the rain!) throughout the three days.