Student Leadership Opportunities at Woodhey High School

Woodhey High School is a community in which students are fully integrated in student leadership roles that support the work of the school and the wider community, whilst at the same time developing their leadership skills and preparing them for the next stage of their education, training or employment.
Students will develop leadership skills through a variety of opportunities which impact positively within school on teaching, learning and well-being for both students and staff, as well contributing to our local community.

Examples of student leadership roles at Woodhey High School include:

Senior Ambassadors and Year 11 Ambassadors

Members of the Year 11 Ambassadors team apply through completing an application form and undertaking a formal interview process. Senior Ambassadors lead in the selection process for Year 11 Ambassadors. Successful applicants must demonstrate exemplary behaviour and model the school core values of respect and excellence to their peers.  Student leaders undergo leadership training, support at key events such as Open Evenings and have additional school duties.

School Council

The student council strengthens our community and promotes the fundamental British values of democracy, rule of law, liberty, respect and tolerance. Students are encouraged to make strategic decisions, communicate and collaborate effectively and use their voices to create societal change. School Council members will be mentored on their strategy and leadership skills and will be encouraged to document their leadership journeys through completing reflective journals as council representatives.

Global Learning Ambassadors

Global Learning Ambassadors are students who show a flair, apparent 'natural ability' and/or commitment to Global Learning subjects. These are Geography, History, Religious Education and Sociology. They are those who are likely to read around the subject and find opportunities to learn about elements of the subject independently. They also contribute by participating in activities such as open evenings, transition days, student voice, assemblies and interview panels.

Sports Leaders

These students will be selected by the Performance Faculty based on effort, participation and commitment to sport. Sports Leaders will assist members of the PE team through a range of ways including notifying their peers of sports fixtures, organising and officiating house competitions, leading warm ups and cool downs during lessons as well as the promotion of enrichment opportunities available to students within the PE department.

Charity Leaders

All students have opportunities to raise money for charity through a variety of activities. Students in all year groups have been responsible for organising events, which have raised thousands of pounds to support worthy causes.
Events have included bake-sales, costume competitions, non-uniform days and an annual Sponsored Walk. In December 2023, students in every year group organised and contributed to Woodhey High School's Charity and Community Week, raising money for several local charities. Students plan and promote the events throughout the school community, raising awareness as well as money for the charities they have selected and researched themselves.